Team & Project Excellence Sprint

This 4-12-week sprint provides a unique opportunity for focused interval work that will align your project teams/groups with your strategy, explore new collaboration forms, and achieve dramatically improved results. 

Who is this sprint for? 

We work with companies, leaders & teams that would like to

  • align their team(s) and project(s) with their business strategy.
  • go above and beyond current targets and results. 
  • explore ambitious, flexible, and scalable collaboration forms.
  • optimize their operating models.
  • help their team(s) uncover their unique success factors.
  • build on unique values & strengths to train new behavior. 
  • strengthen their team/project culture. 
  • drive engagement, motivation, and focus on customer success.
  • envision bold goals together; create a roadmap & OKRs.
  • clarify responsibilities & roles.
  • use tracked project results to increase engagement, motivation, and focus on excellence. 
  • create outstanding results with ease & excitement.

Sprint - LC GLOBAL Consulting Inc - August 2023 - cropped - final

How does it work? Phases of your sprint

Together, we will go through 3 short, focused intervals: (1) Briefing & Discovery, (2) Co-Design & Develop, (3) Refine & Excel.

 1. Briefing & Discovery

In the Discovery and Briefing Sprint, we will set up the project, agree on success metrics, and design the team sprint experiences.

  • Define & Algin: Initial design brief with main sponsor and stakeholders. Review of strategy and hard facts. Success Metrics Definition.
  • Assess: Observe and assess current team collaboration. Design and conduct surveys, 1:1 interviews and focus group sessions. Observe team meetings. 
  • Share Results: Strength-based review of current procedures, pain points, and opportunities with main stakeholders.

2. Co-Design & Develop

During the Co-Design & Develop Sprint, we will share the results of the strengths-based assessment and start working with your team(s). Together, we will develop new forms of collaboration and practice desired behavior. 

  • Define: Define the challenges that need to be resolved.
  • Discover: Discover strengths, values & behavior needed to succeed.
  • Envision: Envision the most ambitious goals and results together. Commit to clear rules of engagement and collaboration parameters. 
  • Develop: Develop provocative propositions as a team and commit to them. Create a roadmap & OKRs. Clarify responsibilities and create accountability.
  • Design: Design a new operating system that naturally drives excellence, and practices desired behavior.
  • Secure results, debrief - reiterate process as needed. 
  • Consistently brief and work with top stakeholders and sponsors.

 3. Refine & Excel

During the Refine and Excel Sprint, we will observe team meetings again and finetune as needed. At the end of this phase, you will enjoy measurably improved team/project results and a scalable system. 

  • Observe:  Observe team meetings and new operating model in action. 
  • Finetune: Finetune as needed.
  • Transfer/Scale: Capture results and suggest adoption models for bordering functions that can support the new system (e.g. hiring strategies, incentive, and development systems).   `

Which results can you expect?

  • up to 15% faster goal attainment.
  • alignment, motivation, and increased engagement.
  • improved leadership and collaboration forms.
  • new project and team vision, mission, and value commitment.
  • workable project roadmap, role, and responsibility clarity.
  • optimized, dynamic operating models. 
  • teams that enjoy their work and focus on success. 
  • unparalleled project results that drive your business strategy.

How much time must you invest? 

Our sprints typically take 4-12 weeks with differing levels of engagement intensity. At the beginning of the initiative, most work takes place on our side of the playing field as we review your hard facts and observe your meetings, current systems, and processes. Design sessions during the Co-Design Sprint are typically 2-4 hours for 2-4 iterations. The Co-Design Sprint typically calls for 1-2 additional sessions. All sessions will be designed to accommodate your busy schedule.

Ready for your sprint?

undefined-Nov-17-2022-09-24-50-7000-PMThis process exceeded my expectations -- BY FAR. 
Head of Global IT Solutions - Loparex

undefined-Nov-17-2022-09-24-50-7000-PMIn a single session, we probably saved 6 months of inefficient waffling and dozens of hours of inconclusive meetings. Previous longer initiatives actually may have left us in a worse state than before. Even if we hadn’t also concluded with numerous, focused action items (the other major benefit of this process), I’d have sacrificed a finger to achieve the increased feeling of camaraderie and cross-divisional understanding that we did. 
Director IT Solutions - Packaging Industry

undefined-Nov-17-2022-09-24-50-7000-PMIBM engaged LC GLOBAL® to develop our Growth Division from its start-up mode to a scalable operating model and organization design. We had an absolutely amazing time during this unique project. LC GLOBAL® presented a fully agile organization design and operating model that will allow us to grow while keeping our core values, success factors, and unique identity. I highly recommend the process to any team, group, or company that would like to scale while driving engagement and improving its culture and collaboration.
Director of Growth  - IBM

undefined-Nov-17-2022-09-24-50-7000-PMOutstanding service, deep competence, and professionalism describe LC GLOBAL® for me.
SVP Global HR  - Microsoft